Tag Archives: dysbiosis

Early life infections may play a role in later development of celiac disease. Children with 10 or more infections by the time they turned 18 months old had a significantly greater risk for later development of celiac disease compared with children who had four or fewer infections.

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In this video I discuss the physical and the emotional/mental/habitual causes of sugar addiction. If you have tried to sugar detox in the past, but failed, it’s not because you aren’t strong enough or lack willpower, it’s probably because you have an addiction to sugar. Until you deal with the root causes of your sugar addiction, your sugar cravings won’t end, which risks fatigue, mineral deficiencies, diabetes, weight dis-regulation and an increased risk of heart disease and cancer.

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If you have food sensitivities—you have leaky gut. If you have bacterial overgrowth, candida overgrowth or a parasitic infection—you have leaky gut. If you have an autoimmune disease, you at one time had leaky gut and may still have it. It may be responsible for autoimmune diseases, all food sensitivities, and the development of all sorts of nasty opportunistic critter take-overs.

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