Tag Archives: weight loss

Living life from adventure

Are you overeating or choosing foods that are really rich when your life is lacking richness? Are you bored and stuck in a rut and food is replacing that need for adventure, joy, doing something new, exploration?

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Overeating pancakes image

“Frankly it wasn’t satisfying- I wanted something bad for me, mainly because then I could focus on being sick rather than feeling like my world was falling apart. Binging on bad foods vs cucumbers and grapes.”

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The dissolution of self with unresolved grief

Grief and loss hits us so hard. It can feel like a complete dissolution of self as we navigate (or don’t) a new experience of being in the world without someone or something that greatly impacted us. All too often, we don’t grieve or don’t complete the grieving process and restore our sense of self post-change or loss and the effect can devastate our physical and emotional health. If you are dealing with a health issue that won’t lift or emotional turmoil that won’t resolve, you may have unprocessed grief holding you back.

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