An Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle Video

Digestive Health Video Training Series: An Anti-Inflammatory Diet and Lifestyle 

 Video 2: Research-Proven Foods that Will Squelch Your Fire and Soothe You


In video 1, we discussed what foods are inflammatory and what foods may be your trigger foods that could be up-regulating your immune system. Luckily, this video came to the rescue with those foods and ingredients that are anti-inflammatory–those foods that balance out any oxidation and inflammation.

How was this last week for you? Did you try changing-up your diet at all? Have you noticed anything new about how your body feels related to different foods? I’d love to hear! Please comment below and also feel free to post any questions or comments on the video that you have.

Now that you are all set with what to eat and what to avoid, you might be wondering if that is it? Are you are all set to be healthy and prevent disease? Not quite. There is one missing piece of the puzzle that is the last piece for many people when it comes to health and calming the immune system, which is what you will learn in Video 3: An Anti-inflammatory Lifestyle: Going Beyond Diet to Calm Your Immune System. Make sure to watch for it in your inbox next week and check your junk mail if it doesn’t come!

And if you use gmail, it might be in your “promotions” folder. If you want to keep us front and center so you don’t miss any of the video series, there is only one step to take: If the email from us is in the “Promotions” tab, simply drag it to your primary tab. You should see a pop up alert asking “Do this for future messages from” Click “Yes.” After that, all of our messages should end up in your primary inbox without any problems.

Did you come to this page all by yourself, with no help from your email? Well then… You sure as heck might want to sign-up for the rest of the 4 part Video Training Series, especially since I share extra tips with my training series participants!  It’s FREE!!!
