Is your team unhappy?
are you unhappy leading your team?
There is comfort in sameness.
There is ease in monotony.
But there is no joy for you or for your team when your leadership is frozen and entrenched.
If you or your team are unhappy, this is an indication that your leadership style has become stale and it is time to break free and do something new.
Leadership should be joyful, exciting, and an opportunity to test yourself to grow and to serve your team better every year, every month, every day.

get clear Activity
Get quiet, settle in to your body, turn inwards and ask yourself:
“Who does my team need me to become and what do I need to believe to be the leader they are waiting for?”
Let yourself receive the answers from your internal sense of knowing. Your true self knows the answers to this but often we become tangled in a web of sameness and safety where we forget what is possible.
Journal or stream of consciousness write on this question if helpful, but don’t think the answer. Let your mind still first and connect to your inner knowing to receive the answers.
And then….
Take action from that place and step into that way of being with a mantra you need to live into every day and watch changes in yourself and your team occur.
Make changes.
Thaw the ice you’ve been encased in and embark on a journey of exploration and discovery. Step onto a new path, embrace the unknown, and be open to the experiences, lessons, and growth that lie ahead.
It will be uncomfortable.
It will be transformational and life-changing for you and your teams.
Share your embodied answer to that question in the comments and/or the dilemma that has you and your team stuck right now.