Kathleen Bauer, Additional Materials

Articles Referenced in Statement of purpose

Research information

Program Evaluator (7/2009 – 7/2018)

The aim of LiveWell Longmont (LWL) was to promote healthy eating and active living (HEAL) based on making these behaviors the defaults in situations where they were currently impeded by various environmental and psychological obstacles. I was responsible for using experimental and observational methods to identify barriers to healthy behaviors to inform interventions to reduce, remove, replace, or circumvent these impediments and then to lead an assessment of the effectiveness of the interventions through the Social Cognitive Theory Framework and the Socio-Ecological Model. I provided assessment, measurement, research design, research analysis, and program evaluation through quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-method approaches for worksite wellness, community health, food systems, and school health community programs while utilizing social psychology research methods. I used software tools for data collection and analysis, particularly R. I communicated research findings in diverse forms (written, oral, and digital), to diverse audiences including community members, conferences, and city officials. I collaborated with research teams from Boulder County Public Health and Kaiser Permanente as well as LWL team members. I co-authored grant proposals and grant progress reports. In regards to specific projects:

  • I developed The LWL Collective Impact Evaluation Framework to enable LWL to monitor work from 1) exploration of social-economic context to 2) design and implementation, through 3) intermediate outcomes to 4) ultimate impact through the lens of community participation and access. I was the lead presenter of the framework and results with Namino Glantz of Boulder County Public Health and Melissa Trecoske Houghton of LWL at the 2015 Public Health in the Rockies Conference.

  • I developed the Pillars of Sustainability and Community Readiness Evaluation and Planning Tool in 2009 for measuring the effectiveness of creating lasting (sustainable) cultural change in Longmont to support healthy eating and active living. LWL viewed and adapted goals and their associated strategies through the lens of the Pillars to encourage a systematic, policy, and environmental change-focused approach. The Pillars provided LWL with evidence-based support to address all levels of the Socio-Ecological Model. I presented the tool and results of its use at the 2011 Public Health in the Rockies Conference.

  • I applied principles of community-based participatory research which emphasizes the role of community residents as experts and investigators, not merely as research subjects.  Through Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation, I carried out the planning, monitoring, and evaluating of programs under the full or joint control of local communities as per Estrella & Gaventa (1998). The University of Kansas Community Toolbox (2016) and the Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation Toolkit (Asadullah & Muñiz, 2015) provided a framework for community-based participatory research, monitoring, and evaluation. Evaluation tools that were utilized to measure cultural competency included The Agency Cultural Competence Checklist (Dana, 1992) and The Personal Reflection of Cultural Competence Checklist (American Speech-Language-Hearing Assoc., 2010). Reflection questions devised by Jarwaharlal Nehru University researchers for Participatory Evaluation on the role of end-users, the purpose, the method, the facilitator’s role, the outcomes, unequal stakeholder power, validation of the participatory process, and the links between participatory monitoring, evaluation, and research were utilized (Pant, 2009). I wrote an evaluation report on studies I led using Collective Impact Evaluation from 2016-2018 as part of the Cancer, Cardiovascular and Chronic Pulmonary Disease Grants Program.

  • In the summer of 2009, I compiled data on health, healthy eating, hunger, and the food system in Longmont through an inventory of resources available and Boulder County Public Health data. In the fall of 2009, I organized and facilitated the conducting of focus groups, I coded discussions, and I reported on the themes with input from the LWL Food Assessment Subgroup. In 2010, I collaborated with WPM Consulting on a Longmont Food Systems Assessment to gauge the needs and interest of where to build community gardens and to build an understanding of the best ways to ensure better access to fruits and vegetables in Longmont. Through this collaboration, we conducted a YMCA neighborhood priorities and needs assessment; a food systems projects survey of community partners; a garden and food distribution community survey; and a policy scan of what hinders and promotes proximity, cultural relevancy, affordability, and nutrition of foods in Longmont. Using the 2009 focus group themes, in collaboration with Colorado State University Professor Dawn Thilmany, we developed a survey that was completed by 748 residents and conducted interviews and coded results from community listening efforts at community events and meetings. 62% of respondents indicated it was challenging to eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables consistently each day and reported wanting to get more fruits and vegetables from where they were already shopping. 90% of respondents would like to include more locally-produced foods in their daily diets.  Gretchen Nurse, PhD, of Colorado State University, conducted a statistical analysis of the food assessment survey to find significant trends and relationships in the data. I collaborated with Wendy Peters Moschetti and Melissa Trecoske Houghton on a final report of findings. The results of the food system assessment informed the corner store intervention study, the community garden intervention study, the school salad bar intervention study, and the farm stand intervention.

  • In collaboration with Spark Policy, I supported a Longmont Corner Store Study: Developing survey tools (LWL In-store customer survey and observation assessment) and training volunteers to conduct the assessments and customer surveys in both English and Spanish. Between the 3 corner stores (7-Eleven, a Loaf ‘n Jug, and Las America Tortilleria), 49 customers were surveyed. I presented data and analysis to the LWL Steering Committee, a few Promotoras, and partners. I provided Spark Policy with the Summary of Findings and they developed Infographic 1 and Infographic 2 with the collected data and LWL disseminated the results through the community. 

  • Through the PE Quality Improvement Grant, in collaboration with St Vrain Valley School District, I supported exploring innovative ways to support physical activity in classrooms to promote physical and mental health and enhanced content learning and retention. I supported study development and evaluation comparing grade school classes that incorporated physical activity into classroom breaks versus those that did not and tracking attendance, participation, and grades. Since piloting this project, all grade school classrooms participated. 

  • Framing Study: I helped examine how different point-of-decision prompts influence perceptions of self and environment, and how these perceptions relate to subsequent physical activity and healthy eating behavior (e.g., choosing to take the stairs rather than an elevator; choosing to ride a city bike versus drive; choosing healthier vending food choices). I worked with the Communication Taskforce to create a quarterly work plan with targets to measure each quarter that LWL could directly influence. Campaign strategies were targeting employees at individual worksites through quarterly small steps.

  • I conducted an exploratory study on Longmont needs and interests that included a literature review that investigated valid indicators of health disparities, healthfulness, behavioral and attitudinal changes toward health and wellness, and coalition effectiveness; estimating community food systems programmatic needs; and existing best practices models for schools increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables, communities developing food systems assessments, worksite wellness programs, safe routes to school programs and coalition collaboration

  • I assessed county-wide community collaboration in improving healthy eating and active living among children 0-5 and their families, with an emphasis on improving health among disparately-affected communities with the School Wellness Coordinator through pre- and post-School Wellness Surveys, conducting a plate waste salad bar study, and conducting food service coordinator interviews.  I collaborated with Boulder County Public Health to track fruit and vegetable consumption among Boulder County adults using the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System and among middle and high school students using the Youth Risk Behavior Survey and the Healthy Kids Colorado Survey. I collaborated with Boulder County Farmers’ Markets to track WIC fruit and vegetable voucher use and farmer market double coupon data.

  • I evaluated a comprehensive worksite wellness program that utilized WELCOA principles by collaborating with the Worksite Wellness Coordinator to conduct employee needs/interests surveys, track HERO scorecard employee health results, conduct employer leadership surveys and interviews, offer health risk assessments, and collect and compare BMI data through Weigh and Win Kiosks from pre- and post-interventions including bike to work challenges, walking challenges, and holiday weight maintenance challenges. Interventions were provided at Longmont United Hospital, St Vrain Valley School District, and City of Longmont.

  • I identified deficiencies and barriers to providing a comprehensive Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS) Program at Longmont elementary schools through collaboration with the SRTS Coordinator and the School Wellness Coordinator by completing an Active School Neighborhood Checklist at district elementary schools. In the implementation of a SRTS program, I led tracking biking and walking participation numbers, bike racks installed, provided data collection through pre- and post-surveys of district principals. 

  • Supported assessment of active community environments that had the potential to support healthy community outcomes via the City of Longmont’s Comprehensive Plan. During May and June 2015, community members were asked to share their vision for the future of the City through a series of community workshops and online engagement activities that were coded and measured. The Longmont Multi-Use Corridor Survey, active in February and March of 2018, exceeded its goal of 2000, ultimately garnering 2,462 surveys. A multi-modal approach was used in collecting the survey. I participated in survey creation, training survey providers, and in writing up the community outreach summary in April 2018. The Preliminary Plan Framework with Vision and Guiding Principles was drafted at the end of July. Data was analyzed based on the # of local planning documents scanned for the inclusion of active living and shade policies to promote pedestrian experience, and safety, # of documents developed as tools for decision-makers to connect active living policies already in existence, # of stakeholders engaged to inform built environment policy and to enhance access to and availability of physical activity opportunities, # assessments of built environment existing conditions, # of opportunities identified active living education/promotion and policy development/enhancement, # Active Living plan policies adopted in the Comprehensive Plan, # of healthy food and beverage policies adopted in Comp Plan, and # of references made to HEAL aspects of the Comprehensive Plan.

  • I identified gaps and deficiencies in coalition partnerships to provide resources and capacity to accomplish the mission and goals of LiveWell Longmont using Journal of Extensions “Assessing your collaboration self-evaluation tool” and tracking the “continuum of integration” and the “cascading levels of collaboration” (Stanford Social Innovation Review). I utilized a community engagement tool from the City of Longmont’s “cultural broker” model. Meeting attendance was tracked and minutes were coded.


American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2010). Cultural Competence Checklist: Personal reflection. http://www.asha.org/uploadedFiles/Cultural-Competence-Checklist-Personal-Reflection.pdf

Dana R. H. (1998). Cultural competence in three human service agencies. Psychological reports, 83(1), 107–112. https://doi.org/10.2466/pr0.1998.83.1.107

Estrella, M. & Gaventa, J. (1998) Who Counts Reality? Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation: A Literature Review, IDS Working Paper 70, Brighton: IDS. https://opendocs.ids.ac.uk/opendocs/handle/20.500.12413/3388

Fawcett, S., Francisco, V. & Schultz, J., Berkowitz, B., Wolff, T., & Nagy, G. (2000). The Community Tool Box: a Web-based resource for building healthier communities. Public health reports. 115. 274-8. https://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents 

Lennie, J., Tacchi, J., Koirala, B., Wilmore, M., Skuse, A. (2011) Equal Access Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation toolkit. https://www.betterevaluation.org/en/toolkits/equal_access_participatory_monitoring 

Pant, M. (2009). Participatory research. In Participatory adult learning, documentation and information networking (PALDIN) (Ed.,), Participatory lifelong learning and information and communication technologies: Course 01 (Unit 08, pp. 91-104). New Delhi: Group of Adult Education, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University. 



Assist the Ginger Research and Evidence Team with building a body of evidence to show Ginger’s impact and approach to delivering mental health care primarily through outcomes research, evaluating PHQ and GAD data to publish empirical studies, creating self-published technical papers and research briefs, collaborating with employer and health plan customers to evaluate the impact of Ginger, and driving cross-functional alignment on the outcomes measurement strategy across the company. My specific area of research is related to measuring coaching effectiveness  with the use of positive psychology and solution focused brief therapy techniques for populations struggling with chronic pain, anxiety, and depression and defining the role of coaching in working with clinical populations. 

I was the lead writer for the Research Brief: Behavioral health coaching: An action-oriented approach to mental health promotion

Additional education and CE courses




Course ID




Fall 2020

U of Chicago via Coursera


Understanding the Brain: The Neurobiology of Every Day Life

28 hrs


Summer 2020

John Hopkins University via Coursera


Intro to Systematic Review & Meta-Analysis

14 hrs


Spring 2020

John Hopkins University via Coursera

’École polytechnique

How to Write & Publish a Scientific Paper

13 hrs


Summer 2020

John Hopkins University via Coursera

Data Science Specialization Course 3

Getting & Cleaning Data

20 hrs


Spring 2020

John Hopkins University via Coursera

Data Science Specialization Course 2

R Programming

57 hrs


Spring 2020

John Hopkins University via Coursera

Data Science Specialization Course 1

The Data Scientist’s Toolbox

18 hrs


Data Science Specialization is a 10 Course Certification to learn to use R to clean, analyze, and visualize data; navigate the entire data science pipeline from data acquisition to publication; use GitHub to manage data science projects; perform regression analysis, least squares and inference using regression models.I have only completed the first 3 courses. Estimated completion by September 2021.  

Spring 2000

CSU Long Beach

Comm 635 Grad School

Comm Criticism

3 credits


Comm 635: Critical theories of rhetoric and major systems of communication criticism; development of criteria and approaches for the evaluation of select communication acts and contexts.

Spring 2000

CSU Long Beach

Comm 646

Grad School

Comm Theory & Research II

3 credits


Comm 646: Empirical research methodologies applied to communication research; theory and design of scientific research; analysis of findings; computer applications; research report.

Fall 1999

CSU Long Beach

Comm 546

Grad School

Issues in Comm Studies

3 credits


Comm 546: Directed research leading to the definition and discussion of a selected problem or issue in communication and the presentation of research results in a formal paper submitted to the department.

Fall 1999

CSU Long Beach

Comm 305

Measurement Comm Research

3 credits


Comm 305: Application of the scientific method to the study of speech communication; examination of the role empirical methodologies play in communication research; fundamental statistical processes.

Spring 1997

U of Oregon

Math 106

University Math I

4 credits


Math 106: Topics include algebra, mathematics of finance, applied geometry, exponential growth and decay,  logarithmic and exponential functions, and introduction to calculus. 

Spring 1997

U of Oregon

Math 105

University Math II

4 credits


Math 105:  Topics include algebra, logic sets, probability, and statistics. Applications to finance and biology.

Fall 1996

U of Oregon

PS 410


4 credits


PS 410: Ethical, political, and legal questions raised by technological innovation as it affects gender relations and ecological health. Particular attention paid to reproductive and biomedical technologies.

Fall 1996

Winter 1997

Spring 1997

Fall 1997

Winter 1998

Spring 1998

U of Oregon

HC 399H

Sp St Forensics

4 credits x 6 courses = 24 Credits







HC 339H: Honors College Forensics is a forum and a framework to apply research skills, critical thinking, logic, and empathy in applied practice through public speaking and debate.

Fall 1995

Gonzaga U.

PSY 380


3 credits


Spring 1995

Gonzaga U.

Soc 101

Principles of Sociology

3 credits


Fall 1994

Gonzaga U.

Bio 203

Human Ecology Lab

1 credit


Spring 1994

Pierce College


General Psychology

5 credits


Spring 1994

Pierce College

Math 105


5 credits


Internal Family Systems Practitioner Certification, 350 hrs + clinical supervision hours, (Anticipated Completion 2022): 

  • Level I, Internal Family Systems, 100 hrs in process, w/Nancy Sowell, MSW, LICSW; Pilar de la Torre, Ph.D. and Imma Lloret, Ph.D. through The Internal Family Systems Institute (Dec 2020)
  • Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors: Transformational Approaches to Treating Complex Trauma Integrating Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Internal Family Systems and Ego State Therapy;  with Janina Fisher, Ph.D. through Professional Education Systems Institute (PESI) (Feb 2020). 12 CE hours. 8 Modules on working with parts & fragmentation including modules on trauma & attachment and sensorimotor psychotherapy.
  • Treating Complex Trauma with Internal Family Systems Training with Frank G. Anderson, MD  through Professional Education Systems Institute (PESI) (2019). 15 CE hours.  10 Modules including trauma types; managing health co-morbidities; neuroscience-informed practice; attachment disorders & trauma; and integration of IFS with therapeutic modalities.

Hypnosis for Trauma and PTSD Certification Training: Effectively Integrating Hypnosis, Neuroscience, and Mind/Body Approaches in Clinical Practice with Carol Kershaw, Ed.D and Bill Wade, M.Div., LPC, LMFT  through Professional Education Systems Institute (PESI)  (2020).  13 CE hours. 11 Modules including the neurophysiology of trauma/PTSD; adverse childhood experiences; trauma and attachment; neuroscience research on body/mind healing; long-term stress and its impact on the limbic system; strategies for developing traumatic memory reconsolidation; post-traumatic growth; and trauma-informed therapy strategies.

From the First Session: The Importance of Building a Strong Relationship, 10/7/20, Letitia Carter, LCSW & Shyla Stuwart, LMFT. 

Creating the Coaching Plan, Setting SMART Goals, and Following-Up, 9/28/20, Elissa Burdick, MSW.

Referring and Collaborating with Clinical Services as a Coach, 9/16/20, Letitia Carter, LCWC & Nicole O’Connor, MFT & Justin Hunt MD.

Working with Military Veterans and Their Families, 9/9/20, Kathleen Saucier, LMHC, LPC.

Emotive Language in Coaching: Leveraging Language to Make an Impact, 8/18/20, Michele Stuvel, MSW.

Goals Work and Coaching Through the Stages of Change, 8/5/20, Erika Austin, PhD.

Engaging in LGBTQ+ Affirmative Counseling: Skillful Engagement and Authentic Support, 8/5/20, Lisa Aasheim, LPC, PhD.

Clinician Training: Providing Culturally Competent Care and Addressing Racial Trauma, 7/8/20, Dana Udall, PhD.

Coaching and Documentation for Risk Protocol Scenarios: Suicidal Ideation, Homicidal Ideation, Self-Harm, Disordered Eating, Substance Abuse, Duty to Warn, Mandated Reporting, Domestic Violence, 7/1/20, Dana Udall, PhD.

Coach Collaboration Best Practices, 6/18/20, Elissa Burdick, MSW

Coaching on Racial Trauma, 6/3/20, Erica Hayes, MSW, NBC-HWC

Coaching Healthcare and Front line Workers Through the Trauma Environment of COVID, 5/20/20, Joan Jurisich, MS, LPC.

Self- and Relationship Management in Coaching During Times of Stress, 4/22/20 w/ Heather Muszynski, NBC-HWC & 5/6/20 w/Erika Austin, PhD.

Integrating Creative Arts in Practice, 4/15/20, Curry Knox, MA.

Coaching in an International Context, 4/1/20, Gillian Rader, NBC-HWC

Coaching in a Crisis, 3/25/20, Erika Austin, PhD.

Coaching on Workplace Communication & Conflict, San Francisco CA, 10/11/19, Heather Muszynski, NBC-HWC

Relationships: Coaching Towards Better Boundaries, San Francisco CA, 10/9/19, Shula Melamed, MA, MPH

Notes and Documentation for Risk Protocol Scenarios: Suicidal Ideation, Homicidal Ideation, Self-Harm, Disordered Eating, Substance Abuse, Duty to Warn, Mandated Reporting, Domestic Violence, 8/14/19, Erica Hayes, MSW, NBC-HWC

Culture Mapping: How Communication Differs in Navigating International Engagements, 7/17/19, Erica Hayes, MSW, NBC-HWC

Cross-Cultural Communication: Coaching in an International Context and a Cultural Snapshot for Brazil, Mexico, India, Japan, Thailand, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, and the United Arab Emirates, 6/19/19,  Erica Hayes, MSW, NBC-HWC & Gillian Rader, NBC-HWC

Care Collaboration Between Coaching, Therapy, and Psychiatry, San Francisco, 4/19/19 w/Heather Muszynski, NBC-HWC and in San Francisco, 10/27/17 w/Dana Udall, PhD

Diversity & Cultural Humility: Creating an Inclusive Culture, San Francisco, CA, 4/17/2019, Denise Boston, PhD, RDT

Moving Past Barriers: Reducing Stigma and Creating Space for Change, San Francisco CA, 4/16/2019, Erica Hayes, MSW, NBC-HWC

Going Deeper with Mindfulness in Coaching, 3/14/2019, Erica Hayes, MSW, NBC-HWC and Heather Muszynski, NBC-HWC and 
San Francisco CA, 9/28/18, Elissa Burdick, MSW

Cross-Cultural Communication: Coaching in an International Context and a Cultural Snapshot for Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, & Italy, 1/16/19, Erica Hayes, MSW, NBC-HWC

Clinical Anxiety Treatment Professional Certification Training: Applied Neuroscience for Treating Anxiety, Panic & Worry, with Catherine M. Pittman, Ph.D., HSPP through Professional Education Systems Institute (PESI) (2018). 19 CE hours. 10 Modules including using neuroscience in the treatment of anxiety; working with the amygdala; managing the cortex; medications in the treatment of anxiety; exposure strategies for teaching the amygdala; Mindfulness in the anxious brain; neuropsychologically informed CBT; treating comorbid depression; cognitive restructuring interventions; and using re-consolidation approaches.

Brainspotting: Brain-Based Method for Healing Trauma And Expanding Performance And Creativity, David Grand, PhD (2018). How to use Brainspotting in a therapeutic practice for healing trauma, expanding creativity, boosting athletic performance, and accessing our inner resources

Substance Abuse Disorder Assessment: Coaching Within Scope, San Francisco 9/26/18 and 11/14/18; Dana Udall, PhD

Treating Trauma Master Series, NICABM, 11/2018

Using Empowerment Language with Emotional Wellness Coaching, 10/17/18, Erica Hayes, MSW, NBC-HWC

Motivational Interviewing Training, San Francisco, 9/27/18 and 1/24/17, Suzanne Alfandari,  MS, LMFT

Growth vs Fixed Mindset in Clients, San Francisco, 9/27/18, Erica Hayes, MSW, NBC-HWC

The Easy Way to Say the Hard Thing with Clients, San Francisco, 9/25/18, Ryan Hagen, Psy.D.

Mental Healthcare in Canada, 9/13/18, Erica Hayes, MSW, NBC-HWC

A Cultural Snapshot for Coaching Australians, 8/28/18, Erica Hayes, MSW, NBC-HWC

Coaching Support for LGBTQ Challenges, 5/29/18, RP Whitmore-Bard, MA

BF18007 – HIPAA Privacy and Security Overview,5/1/18 and 1/29/17, Pinnacle: Center for Professional Development

BF10040 – Healthcare Fraud, Waste and Abuse,5/1/18 and 1/29/17, Pinnacle: Center for Professional Development

Building Resilience in Coaching with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), 4/25/18, Erica Hayes, MSW, NBC-HWC

Duty to Protect Requirements for Mental Health Practitioners, 3/20/18, Dana Udall, PhD

Cross-Cultural Communication: The Why and the How, San Francisco, 3/8/18, Dana Udall, PhD

Coaching Clients to Manage Conflicts and Disagreements, San Francisco, 3/6/18, Robin Rosenberg, PhD, ABPP

Setting Boundaries for Accountability in Coaching, San Francisco, 3/6/18, Ryan Hagen, Psy.D.

Tools for Building Resilience in Clients, San Francisco, 3/5/18, Ryan Hagen, Psy.D.

Moving Coaching Clients Past Stuck, 11/21/17, Heather Muszynski, NBC-HWC

Creating SMART Goals with Coaching, San Francisco, 10/27/17,  Heather Muszynski, NBC-HWC

The Neuroscience of Behavior Change for Coaches, San Francisco, 10/26/17, Meg Jordan, PhD, RN, CWP, NBC-HWC

Coach-Client Identity Awareness, San Francisco, 10/26/17, Dana Udall, PhD

Imminent Risk & Suicidal Ideation: Assessing & Responding, San Francisco, 10/25/17, Dana Udall, PhD

Mandated Reporting for Mental Health Practitioners, San Francisco,10/25/17, Dana Udall, PhD

Impact and Effect: Coping as a Coach, San Francisco, 10/24/17, Heather Muszynski, NBC-HWC

Complex Reflections in Motivational Interviewing: Metaphors & Analogies, 9/19/17, Heather Muszynski, NBC-HWC

Measuring Client Outcomes from 30 Days of Coaching, 8/22/17, Heather Muszynski, NBC-HWC

Coaching Clients with Traits Associated with Borderline Personality Disorder, 10/3/17, Ryan Hagen, Psy.D.

Coaching Clients with Eating Disorders, 7/26/17, Dana Udall, PhD

Clinical Triage with Coaching, 7/12/17 w/ Dana Udall, PhD and 3/23/17 w/Heather Muszynski, NBC-HWC

The Stages of Change and How to Coach Through Them, San Francisco, 6/8/17, Meg Jordan, PhD, RN, CWP

Setting Up Coaching Clients to Win: The First 30 Days, San Francisco, 6/8/17, Heather Muszynski, NBC-HWC

Psychoeducation and Triage for Coaching Clients, San Francisco, 6/6/17, Dana Udall, PhD & Ryan Hagen, Psy.D.

Trauma Coaching, San Francisco, 6/6/17, Ryan Hagen, Psy.D.

Relationship Coaching, San Francisco, 6/6/17, Dana Udall, PhD

Coaching Notes and Documentation Best Practices, 5/2/17, Ryan Hagen, Psy.D.

Setting Boundaries with Clients, 3/17/17, Heather Muszynski, NBC-HWC

Nutrition & Health Coach Teacher Training, Bauman College Boulder (2010); Ed Bauman, Ph.D. & Erin Livers, ICNT

Executive Director Leadership Training, Denver Office of Strategic Partnerships, 100 hrs, Denver CO (2008): Including grant writing and team/board development. 

Neurotransmitter Primer, 6/3/20, Doctor’s Data: Fiona Campbell ND.

Mold and Mycotoxins: Fighting Chronic Mold Illness with Effective Testing and Treatment Protocols, 4/16/20, Doctor’s Data: William Shaw PhD & Neil Nathan MD.

Belly Fat and Elevated Androgens in Women, 4/1/20, Doctor’s Data: Heather Hydzik ND.

Comprehensive Hormone Health for Women, 3/4/20, Doctor’s Data: Lylen Ferris ND.

Adrenal Function & Dysfunction, 2/5/20, Doctor’s Data: Ruth Hobson ND.

Neuroendocrine Testing and Patient Support, 12/4/19, Doctor’s Data: Heather Hydzik ND.

Advanced Neuroendocrine Primer: Considerations for Achieving the Best Outcomes in Your Patients, 11/6/19, Doctor’s Data: Lylen Ferris ND.

Strategies for Balancing Female Hormones, 10/24/19, Integrative Medicine Academy: Tracy Tranchitella ND.

A Spoonful of Sugar: The Impact of Blood Sugar Imbalance on Adrenal and Hormone Health, 10/2/19, Doctor’s Data: Krista Anderson Ross ND.

Beyond the Basics: Comprehensive Neurotransmitter Primer, 9/4/19, Doctor’s Data: Laura Neville ND.

Fatigue and the Chronic Stress Response: A Functional Medicine Approach, 8/22/19, Integrative Medicine Academy: Kurt Woeller DO.

Priming Detoxification Pathways for Optimal Health, 6/6/19, Integrative Medicine Academy: Tracy Tranchitella ND.

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth and Essential Laboratory Testing, 5/23/19, Integrative Medicine Academy: Kurt Woeller DO.

Mitochondrial Dysfunction: What is It and What Causes It, 2/28/19, Integrative Medicine Academy: Kurt Woeller DO.

The Basics of Methylation, 12/13/18, Integrative Medicine Academy: Kurt Woeller DO.

The Good and Bad of Probiotics, 11/28/18, Integrative Medicine Academy: Kurt Woeller DO.

Abnormal Menstrual Bleeding With a Focus on Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding, 11/7/18, Doctor’s Data: Tony Hudson ND.

The Key Elements of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth Testing and Treatment, 10/18/18, Integrative Medicine Academy: Kurt Woeller DO.

Modern Approach to Weight Loss: The Contribution of Hormone and Neurotransmitter Imbalance, 10/3/18, Doctor’s Data: Greg Zengo MD.

Achieve Hormone Balance, 8/1/18, Doctor’s Data: Laura Neville ND.

Integrative Support for Patients Using Premarin and HRT, 7/11/18, Doctor’s Data: Krista Anderson Ross ND.

Adrenal Fatigue: More Than an Adrenal Problem, 11/16/17, Integrative Medicine Academy: Kurt Woeller DO.

The Role of Heavy Metals in Psychiatric Disorders, 6/28/17, Psychiatry Redefined: Integrative Medicine & Functional Psychiatry: James Greenblatt MD.

The Role of Vitamin D, Serotonin, and Melatonin Balance in Adrenal Dysfunction, 1/12/17, Integrative Medicine Academy: Kurt Woeller DO.

Advanced/Wilderness First Aid, CPR, AED, Colorado First Aid (2016)

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth: Update on Testing and Treatment Interventions, 11/16/16, Integrative Medicine Academy: Kurt Woeller DO.

The Role of Phytochemicals in the Treatment of Depression, 10/26/16, Psychiatry Redefined: Integrative Medicine & Functional Psychiatry: James Greenblatt MD.

Candida and Clostridia: Their Effect on the Brain and Possible Treatment Options, 9/28/16, Great Plains: Jessica Bonovich RN BSN.

Integrative Therapies for the Treatment of ADHD, 7/20/16, Psychiatry Redefined: Integrative Medicine & Functional Psychiatry: James Greenblatt MD.

Autism and the Gut-Brain Connection, 6/23/16, Integrative Medicine Academy: Kurt Woeller DO.

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth: Causes, Treatments, and Testing 6/16/16, Integrative Medicine Academy: Kurt Woeller DO.

The Link Between Behavioral Issues in Autism and the Often Overlooked Digestive System, 5/19/16, Integrative Medicine Academy: Kurt Woeller DO.

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Digestive Problems: The Important Link Between Bowel Toxicity, Infections, and Therapeutic Options, 4/21/16, Integrative Medicine Academy: Kurt Woeller DO.

Adrenal Hormone Imbalance and Multiple Sclerosis, 3/17/16, Integrative Medicine Academy: Kurt Woeller DO.

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Adrenal Insufficiency, 2/18/16, Integrative Medicine Academy: Kurt Woeller DO.

How to Improve Digestive Immune Health and Secretory IgA, 1/21/16, Integrative Medicine Academy: Kurt Woeller DO.

Gluten Sensitivity, Celiac Disease, and Multiple Sclerosis, 12/17/15, Integrative Medicine Academy: Kurt Woeller DO.

Low Thyroid Function and Multiple Sclerosis, 11/19/15, Integrative Medicine Academy: Kurt Woeller DO.

Multiple Sclerosis and Advances in Complementary Medicine 10/15/15, Integrative Medicine Academy: Kurt Woeller DO.

Integrative Medicine for the Treatment of Eating Disorders, 9/29/15, Psychiatry Redefined: Integrative Medicine & Functional Psychiatry: James Greenblatt MD.

Inflammation and Neuropsychiatric Illness: Treatment and Testing Protocols, 8/20/15, Psychiatry Redefined: Integrative Medicine & Functional Psychiatry: James Greenblatt MD.

Orthomolecular Approaches in the Treatment of Pediatric and Adult Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, 7/26/15, Psychiatry Redefined: Integrative Medicine & Functional Psychiatry: James Greenblatt MD.

Rocky Mountain Field Botany Retreat, Aspen, CO, Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism,  7/15/15-7/19/15

Neuroactive Peptides from Common Foods Contribute to Psychiatric Disorders, 6/18/15, Psychiatry Redefined: Integrative Medicine & Functional Psychiatry: James Greenblatt MD.

An Integrative Approach to the Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa, 5/16/15, Psychiatry Redefined: Integrative Medicine & Functional Psychiatry: James Greenblatt MD.

The Role of Adrenal Fatigue in Chronic Illness 4/23/15, Integrative Medicine Academy: Kurt Woeller DO.

Probiotics and Digestive Health, 3/19/15, Integrative Medicine Academy: Kurt Woeller DO.

Helicobacter Pylori: Health Concerns and Treatment Options, 2/19/15, Integrative Medicine Academy: Kurt Woeller DO.

The Role of Biofilm in Yeast and Bacteria Pathogenicity, 1/15/15, Integrative Medicine Academy: Kurt Woeller DO.

Nutritional Support for Antidepressant Withdrawal, 12/18/14, James Greenblatt MD: Psychiatry Redefined: Integrative Medicine & Functional Psychiatry.

Exploring the Role of Folate and MTHFR Testing in Psychiatry, 11/11/14, Psychiatry Redefined: Integrative Medicine & Functional Psychiatry: James Greenblatt MD.

Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Chronic Health Problems and Options to Improve Function, 10/16/14, Integrative Medicine Academy: Kurt Woeller DO.

Food Sensitivities and Mental Health, San Antonio TX, 9/21/14, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: William Shaw PhD.

Hormone Optimization: A Key Factor in the Integrative Approach to Mental Health, San Antonio TX, 9/21/14, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: Mark Filidei DO.

Depression and Anxiety: Diagnosis or Symptoms of Neuroendocrineimmune Imbalance, San Antonio TX, 9/21/14, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: David Zeiger DO.

Breaking the Cycle of the Addicted Brain, San Antonio TX, 9/21/14, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: Hyla Cass MD.

Targeted Supplements for Mind, Mood, and Memory, San Antonio TX, 9/20/14, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: Hyla Cass MD.

Anxiety Disorders and Evidence-Based Research on the Effects of Food and Supplements, San Antonio TX, 9/20/14, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: Trudy Scott CN.

The Effects of Low Cholesterol in Mental Health and Autism Spectrum Disorders, San Antonio TX, 9/20/14, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: Kurt Woeller DO.

Common Biochemical Factors Contributing to Multiple Sclerosis, San Antonio TX, 9/20/14, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: Bill Code MD.

Best Practices for Treating Autism Spectrum Disorders with a Biomedical Approach, San Antonio TX, 9/19/14, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: Kurt Woeller DO.

Thyroid and My Mind: Understanding the Relevance of Thyroid Hormone in Affective & Cognitive Dysfunction, San Antonio TX, 9/19/14, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: Louis Cady, MD.

Rethinking Depression: Navigating Hormonal, Immune, and Inflammatory Drivers, San Antonio TX, 9/19/14, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: Kelly Brogan, MD.

Metabolic and Nutritional Factors and Their Effects on Mental Health, San Antonio TX, 9/19/14, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: William Shaw, PhD.

How Gut Bacteria Affects Mood, Anxiety and Weight: Research & Clinical Implications, 9/9/14, Psychiatry Redefined: Integrative Medicine & Functional Psychiatry: James Greenblatt MD.

Integrative Approach to Treating Fatigue and Insomnia, 7/17/14, James Greenblatt MD: Psychiatry Redefined: Integrative Medicine & Functional Psychiatry.

The Role of Adrenal Fatigue in Chronic Illness, 6/19/14, Integrative Medicine Academy: Kurt Woeller DO.

Understanding the Role of Amino Acids in the Treatment of Mental Health, 5/15/14, Psychiatry Redefined: Integrative Medicine & Functional Psychiatry: James Greenblatt MD.

Alzheimer’s Disease: B12, Brain Inflammation and Integrative Medicine, 4/17/14, Integrative Medicine Academy: Kurt Woeller DO.

Oxytocin and Cholesterol Intervention for Health Conditions, 3/20/14, Integrative Medicine Academy: Kurt Woeller DO.

Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia – The Important Role of Methylcobalamin and Methylation Therapy, 2/20/14, Integrative Medicine Academy: Kurt Woeller DO.

Oxytocin and Cholesterol Deficiency: Health Implications in Autism and Mental Health Disorders, 1/16/14, Integrative Medicine Academy: Kurt Woeller DO.

The Impact of Toxic Chemicals in Autism and Mental Health Disorders, 12/19/13, Integrative Medicine Academy: Kurt Woeller DO.

Chronic Stress and Adrenal Insufficiency Fatigue in Autism and Mental Health Disorders 11/21/13, Integrative Medicine Academy: Kurt Woeller DO.

The Impact of Toxic Chemicals on Neurological and Behavioral Health, Chicago IL, 9/22/13, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: Kurt Woeller DO.

Integrative Therapies for Brain Recovery in MS and Other Brain Illnesses, Chicago IL, 9/22/13, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: Bill Code MD.

Bugs, Behavior and Biofilms, Chicago IL, 9/22/13, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: Anju Usman MD.

Nutritional Supplements for Autism Spectrum Disorder and Mental Health Disorders, Chicago IL, 9/22/13, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: Julie Matthews CNC.

Integrative Medicine for Appetite Control: Binge Eating, Obesity, and Anorexia, Chicago IL, 9/21/13, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: James Greenblatt MD.

The Role of Food, Nutrition, and Diets in Autism and Mental Health Disorders, Chicago IL, 9/21/13, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: Julie Matthews CNC.

Biochemical Factors in Alzheimer’s Disease, Chicago IL, 9/21/13, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: William Shaw, PhD.

Integrative Medicine for OCD and Anxiety Disorders, Chicago IL, 9/21/13, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: James Greenblatt MD.

This is Your Brain on Thyroid, Chicago IL, 9/21/13, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: Louis Cady MD.

Nutritional Treatments for AD(H)D, Chicago IL, 9/20/13, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: William Shaw, PhD.

Integrative Medicine for Psychosis and Schizophrenia, Chicago IL, 9/20/13, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: James Greenblatt MD.

EEG Neurofeedback in the Treatment of Mental Health Disorders, Chicago IL, 9/20/13, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: Hanno Kirk PhD LICSW & Kelly Foust OTR.

Microorganisms and Their Affects on Mental Health, Chicago IL, 9/20/13, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: William Shaw, PhD.

Metabolic and Nutritional Factors and their Effects on Mental Health, Chicago IL, 9/20/13, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: William Shaw, PhD.

Integrative Medicine for the Treatment of Mood Disorders, Chicago IL, 9/20/13, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: James Greenblatt MD.

Integrative Therapy for Mental Illness Case Studies, 8/28/13, Psychiatry Redefined: Integrative Medicine & Functional Psychiatry: James Greenblatt MD.

Nutritional Risk Factors in Predicting Suicide Risk, 5/22/13, Psychiatry Redefined: Integrative Medicine & Functional Psychiatry: James Greenblatt MD.

Amino Acid Precursors in the Treatment of Depression and Anxiety, 12/12/12, Psychiatry Redefined: Integrative Medicine & Functional Psychiatry: James Greenblatt MD.

How to Get Your Patient to Follow the Special Diet You Recommend, Santa Fe NM, 9/23/12, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: Julie Matthews CNC.

Toxic Chemicals and Psychiatric Disorders, Santa Fe NM, 9/23/12, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: William Shaw, PhD.

New Adventures in Food Sensitivity Testing and Treatment, Santa Fe NM, 9/23/12, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: Louis Cady MD.

Addicted to Food: Biological and Medical Solutions for Binge Eating and Appetite Control, Santa Fe NM, 9/22/12, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: James Greenblatt MD.

Ceasefire Needed in War Against Cholesterol: The Mental Health Benefits of Cholesterol, Santa Fe NM, 9/22/12, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: William Shaw, PhD.

Mental Health and Hormones, Santa Fe NM, 9/22/12, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: Louis Cady MD.

Utilizing Nutritional Strategies with the Use of Antidepressants, Santa Fe NM, 9/22/12, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: James Greenblatt MD.

Nutritional Factors that Contribute to Impairments in Mental Functioning, Santa Fe NM, 9/21/12, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: William Shaw, PhD.

Psychiatric Illness, Infectious Disease, and Abnormal Gastrointestinal Flora, Santa Fe NM, 9/21/12, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: William Shaw, PhD.

Integrative Medicine for Eating Disorders, Santa Fe NM, 9/21/12, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: James Greenblatt MD.

Integrative Medicine for Mood and Anxiety Disorders, Santa Fe NM, 9/21/12, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference: James Greenblatt MD.

Case Studies of Integrative Medicine for Mental Health, 8/29/12, Psychiatry Redefined: Integrative Medicine & Functional Psychiatry: James Greenblatt MD.

Introduction to Integrative Medicine for Mental Health, 7/18/12, Psychiatry Redefined: Integrative Medicine & Functional Psychiatry: James Greenblatt MD.

Use of Basic Metabolic Testing in Psychiatric Disorders, 6/21/12, Great Plains: William Shaw, PhD.

IgG Food Sensitivity & Disease, 5/17/12, Great Plains: Matthew Cavaiola NMD, LaC.

The Brain-Immune Axis, Denver, CO, 5/19/11, Apex Energetics: Dr. Michael Pierce DC DABCN

The Brain-Gut Axis & Clinical Applications, Denver, CO, 4/14/11, Apex Energetics: Dr. Michael Pierce DC DABCN

Breaking the Complex Web of Leaky Gut, Boulder, CO, 3/10/11, Apex Energetics: Dr. Michael Pierce DC DABCN

Understanding Complexity of Gluten Sensitivity, Englewood, CO, 2/16/11, Apex Energetics: Dr. Michael Pierce DC DABCN

Nutrition & Health Coach Teacher Training, Bauman College, Boulder CO (2010) with Ed Bauman, PhD and Erin Livers, ICNT

Integrative Detox System: How to develop 4 week anti-inflammatory & detoxification program, Denver, CO, 12/4/2010, Apex Energetics: Linda Clark, MA, CNC

What Happens When Glutathione is Deficient Great Plains: Tim Guilford MD, 12/16/10.

Functional Blood Chemistry: Advanced Pattern Analysis, Denver, CO, 9/22/10, Apex Energetics: Dr. Bryan Walsh, ND

Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis, Denver, CO, 9/18-19/2010, Apex Energetics: Dr. David Arthur, DC, DACNB, CCCN

Autoimmune Regulation by Nitric Oxide & Glutathione Systems, Westminster CO, 8/25/10, Apex Energetics: Dr. Michael Pierce DC

Reading the Signs: Training in Physiologic Body Responses, Palpation Techniques, and Traditional Chinese Medicine Evaluation techniques, Broomfield CO, 6/19-20/10, Apex Energetics: Dr. Stephen Siteler, LAc, OMD, NMD, D.Hom, DOHAI, DBATCM,DANMA

Impacts of Estrogen on Neuroendocrine Immune Axis, Westminster CO, 6/4/10, Apex Energetics: Dr. Michael Pierce DC, DABCN

Autoimmune Thyroid: Research and Practice Updates, Denver CO, 5/11/10, Apex Energetics: Steven Noseworthy, D.C., D.A.C.N.B.

Linking the Signs: Integrating Chinese Medicine Modes of Analysis with Functional Medicine Lab Testing , Broomfield CO, 5/1-2/2010, Apex Energetics: Dr. Stephen Siteler, L.AC., O.M.D., N.M.D., D.Hom, DOHAI, DBATCM

Advanced Detox Strategies, Boulder CO, 4/29/2010, Apex Energetics: Dr. William Kneebone, DC, CNC, DIHom, FIAMA, DIACT

Clinical Pearls of Functional Endocrinology, Boulder CO, 4/28/10, Apex Energetics: Dr. Shane Steadman, DC, DACNB, DCBCN, FACFN

Detox & Drainage, Westminster CO, 4/28/2010, Apex Energetics: Stephen Stiteler, L.AC., O.M.D., N.M.D., D.Hom., DOHAI, DBATCM

A Practical Approach to Chronic Immune Deficiencies, Broomfield CO, 2/27/2010, Colorado Functional Medicine Forum: Dr. Nigel Plummer, PhD

Can We Stop Cancer from Starting, Boulder CO, 4/9/09, Colorado Functional Medicine Forum: Dr. Eleanor Rogan, PhD

Intro to Functional Blood Chemistry Testing, Boulder CO, 4/1/09, Bauman College: Erin Livers, ICNT

Clear out the Cupboards, It’s Spring, Boulder, CO, 3/16/09, Bauman College: Erin Livers, ICNT

Unlocking the Mysteries of Gluten Sensitivity: Neurological/Cognitive Manifestations, Mood Disorders and Effective Treatments of Wheat & Gluten Sensitivity, Boulder CO, 3/12/09, Colorado Functional Medicine Forum: Thomas O’Bryan, DC

Conscious Eating: Building Happy, Healthy Relationships w/Food: How to focus attention while eating, the importance of stress free eating and developing a relationship with food, Boulder CO, 2/16/09 Bauman College: Alison Anton, CN

How Plants Talk to our Genes, Boulder CO, 2/11/2009, Colorado Functional Medicine Forum: Dr. Robert Rountree, MD

The Hormone Symphony, Boulder CO, 1/14/09, Colorado Functional Medicine Forum: Dr. George Gillson, PhD, MD

Metabolic Tune-Up: Keys to Lose Weight and Gain Energy, Boulder CO, 1/12/2009, Bauman College: Ed Bauman, PhD

Eat Well for Winter Health, Boulder CO, 12/15/2009, Bauman College: Erin Livers, ICNT

Vitamin D for Health, Broomfield CO, 12/3/2008, Colorado Functional Medicine Forum: Dr. Michael Holick, PhD, MD

Nutrition Bandits, Boulder CO, 9/15/2008, Bauman College: Erin Livers, ICNT

Sleep Solutions, Boulder CO, 8/18/2008, Bauman College: Ed Bauman, PhD

Fitness Foods Fit You, Boulder CO, 7/21/2008, Bauman College:  Erin Livers, ICNT

Nutrition for Cancer Recovery, Boulder CO, 6/16/2008, Bauman College: Ed Bauman, PhD

Eating for Health: to promote strength, clarity & vitality, Boulder CO, 3/18/2008, Bauman College: Ed Bauman, PhD

Certified, Natural Foods Chef, Professional School of Natural Cookery, 400 hrs, Boulder CO (2006) 

Certified, Clinical Herbalist, Academy of Scottish Herbalism, Eugene OR (2004)

Qigong Practitioner Program 4 yrs, 400 hrs, in process (currently mid-way through 3rd year), The Center Place, Boulder CO (Anticipated Completion 2021) Cultivating and teaching predominantly Nei Dan forms (internal meditations) & applying to clinical practice.

Wise Speech: The Foundations of Mindful Communication, 6 week live course: 6/15/20 – 7/22/20; with Oren Jay Sofer and the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies. Teachings on key aspects of meditation & interpersonal communication; Instruction on integrating meditative principles into conversation; Guided meditations on cognitive, emotional & somatic aspects of communications; Intersection between spiritual practice & relationship.

Certified Shamanic Practitioner Training, 3 yr program with Julie Kramer, Hygiene CO (2019)

A Mindful Approach to Nonviolent Communication, San Francisco CA, 10/8/19, Oren Jay Sofer.

Shamanic Training with the Elementals: Earth, Air, Water, and Fire Initiations, Denver CO, 8-9/2019, AumRak, initiated Mayan Priestess & High Priestess of Melchisedek.

Going Deeper with Mindfulness in Coaching, 3/14/2019, Erica Hayes, MSW, NBC-HWC and Heather Muszynski, NBC-HWC and 
San Francisco CA, 9/28/18, Elissa Burdick, MSW

Body Talk Fundamentals Training with Wendy Nelson of Energy Wisdom, Boulder (2017): BodyTalk uses energy medicine to help synchronize the body’s natural functions.

Extraction Training in Shamanically Removing Spiritual Intrusions and Thought Forms from Others, Boulder CO, 5/28/18, Sylvia Edwards

Intro Yoga Psychology for Yoga Teachers: Yoga for common psychological issues (12/1/17), Melissa Scott

VOCES CURANDERAS/Healing and Ceremonial Singing Private TutoringPisac Peru, 9/17, Alexandra Ostos

VOCES CURANDERAS/Healing and Ceremonial Singing Workshop, Pisac Peru, 8/26/17, Alexandra Ostos

Taller Construcción Ancestral con Tierra/Ancestral Construction with the Earth Workshop, Pisac Peru, 8/12-13/17, Bioarchitects and permaculturists: Jeanette Gonzales (Chile) and Johanna Saavedra (Peru)

El Manejo Sagrado y Medicinal de los Cuatro Elementos, La Hoja de Coca y la Mesa Andina/The Sacred and Medicinal Handling of the Four Elements, the Coca Leaf and the Andean Altar, Pisac Peru, 8/2-3/17, w/Medicine Woman Marcela Pantigozo Loaiza

Despacho/Haywarisqa Workshop and Musoq Karpay Initiation/Rites into the Andean Mystical Path, Cusco Peru, 7/27/17, Juan & Luis Quispe, pampamesayoks initiated healers in the Q’ero tribe, the Wisdom Keepers of the Andes.

Ceremonial Drum Making Private Workshop, Pisac Peru, 7/25/17, w/Andean Shaman Alfredo.

Techniques Secrètes et Soins/Secret Techniques and Care of Protection, Purification, Self-Testing and Energy Recharging previously reserved for Ninjas and Samurai with Japanese Shaman Kaz Ogawa, Genac France, 4/27/17.

La Medecine des Oiseaux/The Medicine of Birds: Teaching and transmission of the Celtic technique of healing with feathers with Celtic Swiss Shamanic Practitioner, Sturny Ishenty, Genac France, 4/27/17.

Danse des Elements Air et Eau, la Connaissance et L’harmonie/ Dance of the Elements Air and Water: the pre-Columbian Tradition of breathwork and movement so that vital energy can flow into the body with Tupaq Sonqo, Medicine Man of the Quechua Andean Traditions, Genac France, 4/28/17.

Atelier Teotlali/ Earth Energies, Directions and How to Use Them with Tezkateculi Kwautlichan, Temaxtianitl, Traditional Medicinal Knowledge Carrier of Mexico, Genac France, 4/28/17.

Enseignement et Pratique Sur L’ouverture du Coeur/Teaching and Practice on the Opening of the Heart in the indigenous tradition of Yawantinsuyo with Tupaq Sonqo, Medicine Man of the Quechua Andean Traditions, Genac France, 4/29/17.

Danse des Elements Feu et Terre, La force et la matière/ Dance of the Elements Fire and Earth: the pre-Columbian Tradition of Strength and Material, deep inner work with tribal movements with Tupaq Sonqo, Medicine Man of the Quechua Andean Traditions, Genac France, 4/29/17.

Introduction au Massage Toltèque Aztèque/Introduction to Toltec Aztec Massage: Learn to activate harmonize and heal the 20 points and protective energies that are inside our body for better health, with Wisdom Man of Traditional Mexican Medicine, Ulises Osorno Bozano of the Mazahua and Nahuatl origin, Genac France, 4/29/17.

Trouver son Chant Medecine/ Find Your Medicine Song: Liberate your voice, find your way, allowing the medicine of your soul to emerge with French Celtic Shamanic Practitioner, Melissa Gerard, Genac France, 4/29/17.

Partnering with Compassionate Spirits: An Introduction to Essential Shamanism, Boulder CO, 12/9-11/16, Julie Kramer

Mindfulness Meditation for Increasing Focus & Reducing Stress (5/2016), Algarve Center for Mindfulness, Per Norrgren

Antar Traditional Yoga Practices of Self-Awareness, Meditation & Contemplation (2/2016 – 12hrs), Abhyasa Ashram & Swami Jnaneshvara Bharati

Access Consciousness: Access Bars Certification Training with Brain & Body Balancing, Denver (2015) Coaching focuses on asking questions of clients to facilitate awareness and change. 

Jon Kabat-Zinn’s Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction 8 Week Course (2-3/2015), online, Dave Potter, MA

Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training with Sadie Nardini and Tyler McCoy (85 hrs):

    • Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training  (1/2014 – 20 hrs.
    • Evolution Yoga Teacher Training (3/2014 – 20 hrs)
    • Total Transformation Yoga Teacher Training: Vinyasa Yoga and Anatomy (5/2014 – 16 hrs)       
    • Revolution Yoga Teacher Training: Anatomy, Movement and Cueing Training (6/2014 – 12 hrs)
    • Journey Training: Linking Anatomy and Yoga Sequencing (7/2014 – 16 hrs)