Tag Archives: Depression

Acupressure points to calm anxiety and overwhelm

Calm the body of anxiety, fears, overwhelm, and overthinking by self-stimulating two acupressure points I share in 2 video tutorials. These are points I stimulate using Medical Qigong practices with my clients but can also easily be self-stimulated through acupressure. 

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Just keep walking

So many times with depression I see uncertainty of a path crippling the person into not walking at all. The first steps through the uncertainty is the hardest – it’s like slogging through waist deep Colorado snow.

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To hate or denigrate our family is to hate on ourselves which has the unanticipated effect of lowering our self-confidence, creating a perception of unworthiness, and promoting illness. When we loathe our blood family for the traumas they have inflicted, we also cast ourselves out and loathe ourselves because our flesh and bones come from them. They are a part of us.

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