Tag Archives: sugar detox

The first step to changing your relationship to food is to understand that relationship. Once you understand the biological mechanics around food cravings, you can take steps to make lasting changes to your diet that will leave you happier, healthier and not feeling deprived. Let’s get brainy…

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Want cake?

We all get cravings for certain foods and sometimes those foods are not the healthiest choices for us.

“My name is Katie and I am a sugar addict. I’ve been clean for 6 hours.”

Sound familiar? I know that I’m not alone. 

Once I break the sugar addiction and clean it out of my system, I’m fine. The cravings no longer strangle me with their incessant need and persistent control of my life. I stop dreaming about eating dessert. I stop thinking non-stop about getting my next sugar fix.

But it’s the getting it out of my system that’s the hardest part. Every. Time.


lemon water

If you breathe, eat, drink water or use electronics in this modern world, than you need to detoxify. We are exposed to harmful chemicals every day, even if you’re careful with the products you use. But how do we detox in a safe way?

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