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VIDEO: The 10 Second Secret to Igniting Your Digestive Fire

Is that saying, “you are what you eat” true? No—it actually isn’t true at all. The truth is that we are what we digest. Unfortunately, this state of digestion and nutrient absorption only happens when the body is in a state of stillness—under control by the parasympathetic nervous system. 

Food Cravings: Maybe It’s All in Your Head

You promise yourself that today will be different. You won’t gravitate toward that donut at the office, you won’t eat a piece of that birthday cake at the party, you’ll stock up on broccoli and carrot sticks to prevent needing to eat that junk. You can do it. You can do it. Just do it. But…

Is the IBS Diagnosis BS?

IBS is an easy label doctors like to give to patients with digestive complaints—a label that takes away agency and precludes getting to the root cause of the symptoms (not unlike the label of chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia, in fact).