Tag Archives: Frustration


We do have a right to be upset, to be angry, to be sad, etc. and we also get to choose whether to take that frustration out on the other person and to carry that upset with us through the rest of the day and all of the interactions that we have or whether to respond to the upset from a grounded place that creates change so the situation isn’t repeated and we can release it then in the moment instead of harboring the hurt in our body. We can’t control what other people do, but we can choose how we respond to them and how we internalize the event.

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Us Then...

In this article, I share my story of finding my way out of reactivity to understanding and the 6 key takeways that we can all use, whether in a state of meditative bliss or upset and emotionally raw, to calm down our reactivity, frustration, or anger enough to be more open and aware with others.

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The dissolution of self with unresolved grief

Grief and loss hits us so hard. It can feel like a complete dissolution of self as we navigate (or don’t) a new experience of being in the world without someone or something that greatly impacted us. All too often, we don’t grieve or don’t complete the grieving process and restore our sense of self post-change or loss and the effect can devastate our physical and emotional health. If you are dealing with a health issue that won’t lift or emotional turmoil that won’t resolve, you may have unprocessed grief holding you back.

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