Free Sessions During Pandemic

We get to choose how we respond to this situation. We get to choose whether we focus on lack and fear or focus on gratitude and love. Every minute of every day right now, we get to choose whether we are releasing more stress hormones in our body and adding to the field of fear in the world right now or whether we are choosing to support our immune systems and our community. 

I choose love, possibility, and abundance. I choose you and I choose me. 

If you are a “front line worker” that is either a healthcare worker, a mental health provider, or a grocery store employee, I would like to gift you two free sessions with me. While COVID is effecting everyone, these particular groups are at even greater risk of burnout, overwhelm, and trauma from facing prolonged exposure to high stress work environments while these employees are in the highest demand right now. If you can’t fill your own cup, how will you continue to support others through the pandemic? The first session is a 1.5-2 hr Embodied Emergence Session to help you release the fears, traumas, and heaviness you’ve been carrying of others. The second session is a 1-hr emotional wellness coaching session to support you with tools to ground and be more resilient to stressors during this challenging time. All sessions are virtual.

If you are unemployed (not by choice) as a result of this pandemic, I would like to gift you two free sessions with me to help you get back on your feet and plan your next steps. The first appointment is an Embodied Emergence Session to help you return to your true self and shed the layers of heaviness so that you can adapt. The second session is a 1-hr Crisis to Transformation Coaching Session to support you with planning and action for your next career move. All sessions are virtual.

If you currently have COVID, I would like to gift you a free Embodied Emergence Session to help you calm your nervous system to support your resiliency to this virus. This cannot be gifted for someone else as I require the permission of the person I am supporting. They need to agree to a session and be aware of what the session entails. It is possible to forgo the phone and video chat conversations, as/if necessary. All sessions are virtual.

These free sessions are not Nourished Health Process Sessions which are focused on supporting people through chronic health challenges. Chronic health challenges require sustained work together and the process requires 12 sessions together. Given the depth and intensity of this work, it is not open to everyone as it requires substantial commitment from both of us. 

I know this time is tough for everyone and we are all going through struggles including the grief of losing loved ones, fears of loss, financial challenges, health struggles that increase risk, high stress, and so much more. There is nobody that is left unaffected. Although I do not have the time, energy or resources to offer free sessions to everyone impacted during this time, which would include absolutely everyone, please take advantage of the resources I’m sharing here to support your immune system, your emotional wellness and your resiliency

I am also still offering regular, paid sessions for those who have the means to do so. Paid sessions are what allows for me to continue to offer free sessions to those most in need right now. Sessions are only being offered virtually right now. So, so, so much love to you and your loved ones. We are all in this together. With love, light and gratitude,

Kathleen Bauer

Questioning whether to do a session or not or whether you qualify? Other questions or comments?