
Stuck in a Rut

If you or your team are unhappy, this is an indication that your leadership style has become stale and it is time to break free and do something new. This activity will support you to do just that.

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Pain as invitation to understanding

Day 4 of menstruating: I shouldn’t be having cramps… But there it was, all “shoulds” aside. It can be alarming when we get unexpected pain. It can feel most comfortable to run away from it rather than to turn toward it and to find understanding with it.

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Dating Myself

This article isn’t about the stress of relationships with others, but about changing simple acts of relationship to self that can have drastic impacts on histamine levels. It is a call to date ourselves and change the way we eat and hold space for ourselves and our bodies as a way to calm inflammation and reduce our histamine loads. Will you heed the call?

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